Telenet goes for 1GHz
August 29, 2014
Belgium’s Telenet is to invest a total of €500 million to upgrade the cable network in Flanders to Europe’s first 1Gb network.
Telenet will be upgrading from 600 MHz to 1 GHz, as a result in time the network will be able to support connection speeds of at least 1Gb/s. The investment project will create 250 new jobs in Flanders over the five years.
John Porter, CEO of Telenet, said: “Telenet has always been a pioneer. Once again we want to make our contribution to the digital future of Flanders. We are proud that with this investment we will ensure that Flanders is a front runner in Europe in rolling out a 1GHz network of this scale. With the 1 GHz network we will be able to guarantee that all of our residential and business customers will be able to have access to the bandwidth, which they will need in the future. The upgrading of the network creates tremendous opportunities in terms of video over the Internet, machine-to-machine communication, e-health, monitoring security, cloud computing and other future innovations. It has the potential to be a huge stimulus for the digital economy in Flanders.”