Jordan’s Roya TV trusts VSNNEWS for workflow
September 9, 2014
One of the most important private stations in Jordan, Roya TV, has chosen VSNSPIDER as the platform for its workflow, with the complete News & Live Production solution VSNNEWS as its main work tool. This way, Roya TV renewed its trust in VSN, since in 2011 it had already acquired some of its solutions, such as ingest or MCR.
Roya TV’s Technical Director, Laith Fraihat, needed to find an easy way to integrate the news department of the channel with the rest of the workflow of the station, avoiding single points of failure, as well as to expand its MAM system licences and a system to control costs in the Broadcast departments with the goal of planning timetables and advertising campaigns. VSN was the chosen company to carry out this process, through its Sales Director in Dubai, Álvaro Martínez. In 2011, VSN had already provided Roya TV with its ingesting, editing, production storage, archive and MCR.
The next step was the complete solution VSNNEWS, that includes 2 video servers in redundant mode integrated with VSNCG + for on air graphics and the VSNWIRES module for receiving news from agencies. Also, the different areas of the channel have been integrated using VSNSPIDER platform as the central environment.
Roya TV is one of the most important private channels in Jordan and broadcasts since 2011 from the capital, Amman. In addition to the described solution, it had further organizational needs. To meet that requisite, VSN has deployed as part of his project the traffic and scheduling module VSNCREATV, that allows to control the contracts and the ads broadcasted, as well as to plan detailed timetables.
“With VSN’s end-to-end solutions, all the needs that expanding the channels involves are covered, improving efficiency and the speed of use of the system, something that boosts the quality of the broadcasting contents and therefore increases the potential public of the channel all over Middle East”, declares Martínez.
“We are very pleased with the solution provided by VSN. It totally covers our entire workflow and content management needs, it is easy to use, its integration with our systems has been perfect and the users have learned to use it in a very short period of time. Plus, the attention and support that VSN’s office in Dubai has shown for us and our project has been excellent”, says Laith Fraihat, Roya TV’s Technical Director.