Motive “well positioned” despite losses
September 24, 2014
By Colin Mann
Digital television technology, software and services specialist Motive Television has declared it is well-positioned to start to reap the benefits of its heavy investment programme over the past few years, despite reporting an increased H1 loss of 10 per cent to £1,086,616 (H1 2013: £984,478) attributable to continuing activities and developing new business before interest.
Michael Pilsworth, Chairman, said the first half of 2014 saw the Company making substantial progress in customer projects and in developing its Tablet Television product. “Motive Television was transformed from a development company to a product company by the end of the first half, and our focus is now on growing the market for our patented products Content Express and Tablet TV. With Tablet TV about to launch in both the UK and the USA, the Company is now very well-positioned to start to reap the benefits of its heavy investment programme over the past few years,” he stated.
Operational highlights reported by the company include:
Progressed Tablet TV in United States and United Kingdom to beta testing with intention to commercially launch both by Christmas if these proceed in line with management’s expectations.
Successfully installed and tested Motive’s Content Express at Siyaya in anticipation of an early 2015 launch of services in South Africa.
Joined the HbbTV Consortium with the objective of making Content Express technology a component of the industry standard and to extend the efficient delivery of video-on-demand (VoD) content over the broadcast.
Signed a contract with Twin Peak S.A. of Athens, Greece to develop and integrate Motive’s patented and proprietary technology with Twin Peak’s VoDo services for deployment in the global Maritime industry and for the nation of Greece.
Signed a Renewal Agreement with Reti Televisive Italiane S.p.A. (Mediaset) to continue to provide support and other technology services for the maintenance and delivery of the Head End Solution. Mediaset also agreed to evaluate launching Tablet TV in Italy with Motive.
Continued to support the rollout of Content Express technology at Digiturk, the largest satellite pay television platform in Turkey. During the six months, approximately 34 thousand additional subscribers were added to the over 118 thousand since launch of the new platform in first quarter 2013.
In the USA, Tablet TV beta testing is underway in San Francisco, the first market, with users in the Beta Test trying out the functionality in different environments and various parts of the city. Following a user interface upgrade planned at the end of September, the Beta Test will be expanded and will focus on the user experience. In August Motive received results from a study done for Tablet TV by research firm Frank N. Magid Associates that indicated that 33 per cent of all tablet owners considered themselves very likely to use Tablet TV.
Tablet TV UK was demonstrated to the industry at the recent IBC trade show in Amsterdam, winning the CSI award for Best Mobile Technology or Service for 2014. Tablet TV UK has a planned commercial launch by Christmas, assuming testing and Freeview approval meet Company expectations. The UK product will offer full Freeview experience and functionalities, including red button interactive features. In addition, it will include recording and social networking capabilities, as well as other features invented by Motive.