January 23, 2015
The DTT FTA version of Sky TG24 will make its Italian debut on channel 27, within a programme schedule also featuring documentaries, in-depth reports, movies and specials.
Sky TG24 that, over the last three years, has experienced a significant growth (+ 40 per cent daily unique viewers compared to the period 2007/2010) and that in 2014 was Sky Italia’s top-watched channel, will then be at the service of all the Italian television audience in its DTT ad-hoc designed version, ready to cover the election of the new President of the Republic and the political events that will follow.
On the occasion of the election of the new Head of State, thanks to the partnership with Twitter Italia and for the very first time, Sky TG24 will be using in exclusive the Twitter Poll Cards to get the Italians’ real-time forecasts about the new likely president. Starting from January 26th, people will have the chance to interact on their timeline with the Twitter Poll Cards and voice their preference.
And while reaching out to the whole Country, Sky TG24 will continue to offer exclusive services to Sky subscribers: not only with HD 24/7 newscasts on channels 100 and 500 of the Sky bouquet, with the windows of channels from 501 (weather forecasts) to 504, but also by offering in exclusive the interactivity of the Active services, from the News of the Day to Weather Forecasts, and the free App TG24.
The new channel 27 of the DTT will offer, along with Sky TG24’s outstanding news service, a set of Sky-branded programmes and movies based on real facts and current events.