SES boosts SAT IP Alliance
April 15, 2015
By Chris Forrester
Satellite operator SES used the NAB show in Las Vegas to announce a wider grouping of organisations to promote the adoption of SAT IP technology. SAT IP technology makes it possible to distribute satellite TV services in an efficient way to any device connected to a domestic IP network.
The newly-structured SAT IP Alliance links SES with fellow satellite operator Hispasat as well as Panasonic, NAGRA, ALi Corporation and MaxLinear. The concept was first mooted last year but will now be formalised in Luxembourg as a ‘not for profit’ organisation.
The main aims of the Alliance will be to promote the use of the SAT IP protocol throughout the industry, facilitate certification of new devices, and develop and improve the SAT IP standard.
“Over the past years, nearly 40 manufacturers have supported the SAT IP standard by developing products that are compatible with its requirements. The momentum behind SAT IP technology today has created the right conditions to form this Alliance, an open forum for all manufacturers, satellite operators, broadcasters and service providers who wish to get involved in developing and improving a key standard for the future of satellite content distribution in multiscreen ecosystems,” aid an SES statement.