BBC3 online shift delayed to 2016
April 23, 2015
Plans to make BBC3 an online-only channel have been put back to next year, according to Damian Kavanagh, the digital channel’s controller.
The BBC announced last year the channel would go online only in a bid to save money. It was intended to close this autumn, but BBC bosses are still awaiting the results of a public value test carried out by the BBC Trust which is not expected to be published until June leaving them little time to carry out the move.
Kavanagh told Broadcast: “Once we have the Trust’s final decision, we’ll start doing more online and in social, building up to a move online-only after Christmas.”
He added: ” You simply can’t turn around something as ground-breaking as this overnight. We won’t be rushed. We will do what’s right for our fans, not to satisfy deadlines”.