SAA to help make DSM work for audiovisual authors
May 7, 2015
The Broad European Commission Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy leaves room for positive action for Europe’s screenwriters and directors with authors’ remuneration and promotion of European works among multiple issues to be developed in coming years, according to the SAA, the Society of Audiovisual Author – the association of European collective management organisations representing audiovisual authors.
SAA published its white paper on audiovisual authors’ rights and remuneration in Europe in March demonstrating the current situation of screenwriters and directors and making concrete practical suggestions to improve royalty flows to screenwriters and directors for the online use of their work.
SAA said it welcomes a number of other aspects of the Commission’s strategy notably its proposal to support the promotion of European productions online. This pro-active action seems much more appropriate to really help European works travel across borders. Enforcement of copyright and intermediary responsibility are also important areas for Europe’s screenwriters and directors but should not be seen in isolation from the need for authors to secure a fair return for the exploitation of their works.