MPAA’s Dodd welcomes trade promotion vote
June 25, 2015
By Colin Mann
MPAA Chairman and CEO Senator Chris Dodd has welcomed the passage of Trade Promotion Authority – legislation that defines US negotiating objectives and priorities for trade – in Congress following a vote in the Senate at the end of May, describing it as an important victory for the US’s global competitiveness and the 1.9 million American workers throughout the country in the motion picture and television industry.
“We applaud this major accomplishment in Congress and are grateful for the hard work and leadership of Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Boehner, House Majority Leader McCarthy, Chairman Hatch, Chairman Ryan, and Ranking Member Wyden in ensuring that the US trade agenda continues to move forward. We now look forward to the President signing this legislation into law, and to continuing to work to complete strong trade agreements like the TPP that will allow our industry to reach some of the biggest and most important foreign markets, promoting economic activity in all 50 states,” he declared.