ABOX42 IPTV service for BBV
August 18, 2015
By Sanjeev Bhavnani
Just weeks after DNMG confirmed cooperation with ABOX42 and Zattoo for a white label IPTV multiscreen service for its members, German broadband provider BBV has signed to become the service’s first adopter. BBV’s new multiscreen offering will go live this autumn.
DNMG’s new IPTV white label solution is a collaboration between set-top box experts ABOX42 and IPTV white label solution provider Zattoo. ABOX42’s M20-Series SmartSTB set top boxes provide the first screen experience for the new platform, with Zattoo enabling first and second screen functionality. The new white label IPTV multiscreen platform is a full-service solution for members of DNMG wanting to quickly and easily deploy an IPTV-enabled cable TV offering.
Oliver Soellner, ABOX42’s VP Business Development & Sales, described why the service is unique in the industry: “When most operators move into IPTV, there are normally a couple different stakeholders involved – providers for the middleware, the headend system, transcoding, DRM, playout to set top boxes. It ends up being a complex project with 12 months development time or more, and a lot of cost and frustration.“
“With our new white label IPTV solution, we take all that away. The customer can roll out a customised IPTV service within one quarter because it’s an already existing platform with the essential ingredients fully operated by ABOX42 and Zattoo. There’s no hardware investment for the IPTV solution itself, no maintenance and no major development required from operator side. The only thing the customer needs to do is roll out the set top boxes and do the marketing for the service and the billing.”
Frank Bonnemeier, Business Director of BBV Deutschland GmbH said: “After searching the market for over a year, we were delighted at the launch of DNMG’s fully hosted and managed IPTV solution. ABOX42’s set top box technology and Zattoo’s second screen technology combine to create a first and second screen solution which is not only hassle free in terms of set up, project management and in-live operation, but also leading edge, with a rich feature set, future-proof software architecture and a price-performance that allows us to pay as we grow.”
The new IPTV platform is positioned primarily for tier two or tier three operators, especially those wanting to quickly deploy an IPTV offering with modern features (e,g, Live TV, nPVR, VoD, HbbTV and other services). At a time when innovation and new features are arriving faster than anyone can keep up with them, operators are increasingly phobic about committing to investment intensive projects. BBV’s fast adoption of the service suggests that that the DNMG platform has come to market at just the right time.