Altice leads for bundles in Portugal
August 20, 2015
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
The Altice Group is the market leader for bundled offers in Portugal in double-play (2P), triple-play (3P) and quintuple-play (5P), while NOS leads in the quadruple-play (4P) category.
Overall, the Altice Group has the highest share of the bundled services market (48.8 per cent), followed by NOS Group (38.8 per cent) and Vodafone Portugal (12.4 per cent).
According to the Q2 2015 report of the National Communications Authority (Anacom), at the end of June Portugal had 3.1 million subscribers to bundled offers (+2.6 per cent q/q and +12.7 per cent y/y).
5P with 1.1 million subscribers was the package that grew the most (+5.5 per cent q/q and +99 per cent y/y), due to the launch of new offers that include mobile services costing around €50/month.
With 1.3 million subscribers (42.5 per cent market share), 3P packages still lead, although they registered a drop of 0.9 per cent q/q and of 14 per cent y/y.
The third most popular bundled option is 2P (fixed telephony and pay-TV), with 336,000 subscribers.