Orange fibre up to 300Mbs symmetrical
August 26, 2015
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Following the 100 per cent acquisition of telco Jazztel, the French company is launching in Spain broadband with symmetrical speeds of 30 and 300 Mbps.
The services will be available to 5 million homes, a penetration five times more than before the integration of Jazztel, aiming to reach 7 million by year’s end and 10 million at the end of 2016.
The convergent offers are Orange Canguro and Orange Ilimitado. The former includes symmetrical speeds of up to 30 Mbps, with 1.5 Gb of capacity in mobile navigation with 4G+ and 150 minutes of voice at €43.95. Orange Ilimitado includes 3Gb of mobile capacity and unlimited voice minutes at €55.95. Speeds of 300 Mps have a promotional price but will cost an additional €12 in the future.
Subscribers can have all football matches from La Liga, the Champions League and the Europe League for €9.95 a month.