StarTimes to lay off staff
September 18, 2015
By Chris Forrester
Local reports in South Africa say that StarTimes Group, the operators of the struggling On Digital Media/Top TV pay-TV broadcaster, is having to lay off staff.
In a circular to staff StarTimes SA managing director Mike Dearham told employees the company was in an unsustainable position and needed to act if it was to stay afloat.
“All employees are herewith advised of the intention of the company to rationalise its operations and related support activities,” Dearham told staff at TopTV. “The difficult economic times being experienced in the broadcasting industry have had an adverse effect on the financial position of the company,” he added.
Dearham reportedly said management would meet with staff to explore various options including reasons for the rationalisation and possible ways to avoid retrenchment, number of staff to be affected, the method of selecting those to be affected and a time-table for the measures.