France: Free passes 6m subs
November 13, 2015
From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris
French quad-play operator Free has posted Q3 consolidated revenues up 5.3 per cent to € 1.111 billion, and a total subscriber base of 17 million, which includes 6.08 million broadband and ultra-fast broadband subscribers.
Over the quarter, Free, an Iliad Groupsubsidiary, registered 91,000 new broadband and ultra-fast broadband subscribers.
Free’s consolidated revenues for the first nine months of 2015 rose by more than 6 per cent to €3.271 billion from €3.074 billion for the same period last year.
The mobile business drove Free’s Q3 growth but the landline activities showed revenues increase by 1.4 per cent to €651 million.
Free Mobile will participate to the 700 MHz auction which French government will kick off next week.