ABOX42 advanced STB solutions for the African Continent
November 16, 2015
ABOX42, a provider of OTT, IPTV and Hybrid-DVB Set-Top-Box solutions, presents latest product innovations at AfricaCom / TV Connect Africa (Stand #TV10) and will speak about “IPTV for everyone: ABOX42´s IPTV Set Top Box solutions for networks with limited bandwidth” in the Masterclass session at the AfricaCom.
ABOX42, a German based Set Top Box manufacturer and provider of advanced Set Top Box solutions is entering the African Continent with its compelling and market proven total Set Top Box solution containing the latest technology M-Series Set Top Box platform (different M-series models for various preice-performance and feature requirements of operators), the advanced ABOX42 Smart SDK which includes compatibility with all modern & efficient streaming technologies (e.g. HEVC | H.265) and adaptive bitrate technologies, which is essential for markets with a low average available bandwidth. Together with the ABOX42 OPX SaaS services for a secure and fully managed software delivery to the Set Top Box deployment in the field, ABOX42 provides a total Set Top Box solution. The ABOX42 total STB solution is widely deployed in over 25 worldwide telco project. Starting with this years AfricaCom / TV Connect presence, ABOX42 is extending its international sales activities to the African Continent, offering a complete, secure and telco grade solution with all essential ingredients for emerging as well as mature TV markets.