DAA cross-device guidance to ad industry
November 17, 2015
The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) has released initial guidance to help companies apply the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles in the rapidly growing cross-device environment. The guidance makes clear that the transparency and choice obligations in the existing Principles apply to cross-device data practices, which are also subject to the DAA’s independent enforcement.
The announcement helps explain how the Principles apply to browser- and app-based choices made by a consumer to data collected on that browser or device for use elsewhere. It also states that consumer choice applies to data collected elsewhere for use on that browser or device.
The DAA cross-device guidance, titled “Application of the DAA Principles of Transparency and Control to Data Used Across Devices,” will help participants in the digital advertising ecosystem better understand their obligations regarding cross-device data. It also ensures that a consistent self-regulatory framework is applied to the collection and use of such data across the multiple computers and mobile devices used by consumers.
“Consumers are racing into a multi-device world at a rapid pace, seamlessly multi-tasking on desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones in their digital activities,” said DAA Executive Director Lou Mastria. “This guidance helps companies understand how the DAA’s core Principles of notice and choice should be applied cross-device environments, and it will give consumers confidence that cross-device data practices will be fully disclosed and that the choices they make on each browser or device will be honored and independently enforced.”