Another ‘super compression’ CODEC arrives
November 25, 2015
By Chris Forrester
Early April saw V-Nova introduce its impressive Perseus video compression system. V-Nova claimed Perseus was able to handle Ultra-HD at 7-8 Mb/s comfortably, and UK telco EE endorsed the technical success with a number of trials and test transmissions.
However, V-Nova now has a competitor claiming even lower bit-rates. Canada-based Tveon Systems can, it claims, achieve a 2 Mb/s bit-rate for UltraHD, and a potentially spectacular sub-200 Kb/s for true 1080p HD.
“Tveon has developed and patented a new compression/decompression technology that it says “drastically decreases bandwidth and storage costs by reducing the file size of HD and UHD videos up to 90 per cent with an average of approximately 75 per cent, and with no loss in clarity or quality.”
‘Large Display Monoitor’, in a report, quotes Tveon CEO Scott Hayward saying Tveon had developed its own version of what he describes as a “persuasive-based algorithm’ and which is now ‘patent pending’.
Evidently, trials of the software-based technology are imminent, with licensing deals to follow within six months.