Advanced Television

Ofcom consults on future regulation of VoD

December 18, 2015

Ofcom has published a statement on the future regulation of on-demand programme services (ODPS), following the closure of the Authority for Television On Demand (ATVOD).

From January 1st 2016, Ofcom will be sole regulator – with the exception of advertising – for ODPS, under the Communications Act. Today’s document summarises the arrangements Ofcom will have in place from that date.

Within today’s statement, Ofcom is also consulting on two substantive proposals.

First, the introduction of new procedures for investigating breaches of rules for ODPS to replace the interim procedures, these would apply after closure of consultation on March 1st, and until a final statement is published in the spring.

The proposed new breach procedures would align more closely with those currently used to consider breaches of the Broadcasting Code within traditional, ‘linear’ TV broadcasting.

Second, a proposal not to charge fees to video on demand service providers under section 368NA of the Communications Act.

Categories: Articles, Policy, Regulation, VOD