Vodafone Portugal renews SIC distribution
December 21, 2015
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Portuguese media group Impresa has signed a new distribution deal for its thematic channels with Vodafone Portugal, valid until 2018.
The agreement, which commences on January 1st 2016, will see the distribution of the SIC Notícias, SIC Radical, SIC Mulher and SIC Caras.
SIC Caras will be available to over 400,000 Vodafone Portugal subscribers for the first time, as the channel, dedicated to entertainment news, was previously carried only by rival pay-TV operator NOS.
National commercial broadcaster SIC is also negotiating the extension of its existing channel distribution contract with PT Portugal’s Meo that expires at the end of this month.
SIC’s rival, TVI, is also in the process of re-negotiating a TV channel distribution deal with Meo.
For its part, Portuguese public broadcaster RTP managed to sign a new distribution deal for its TV channels with Meo last month.
Vodafone is the third largest pay-TV platform in Portugal, with a 9.6 per cent market share in September, behind NOS and Meo. However, it has been registering the highest growth rate in the segment for the past few months.