Kabel Deutschland Q3 up, joins RDK Community
February 12, 2016
Kabel Deutschland, Germany’s largest cable network operator, has reported that its Q3 revenue grew 6.8 per cent to €548 million from last year’s €513 million, mainly on strong growth in Internet and Phone Business revenue.
Net profit, however, fell 9.9 per cent to €66 million from last year’s €73 million.
In Premium TV, Kabel Deutschland recorded 46 thousand RGU net additions in the third quarter of fiscal year 2015/16, reaching 2,648 thousand as of December 31st 2015. HD Private(13) increased to 2,246 thousand activated smartcards (versus 1,991 thousand one year earlier). As a result of a better product mix and growing Premium TV penetration, the total blended TV ARPU per subscriber improved to €11.25 in the third quarter.
Kabel Deutschland has also annunced that it has joined the RDK community. The company licenced the Reference Design Kit (RDK) from RDK Management LLC aimed at accelerating the development of next-generation in-home devices and video services.
“The RDK provides a unified technological foundation for pay-TV operators and our ecosystem of partners,” said Lorenz Glatz, Chief Technical Officer of Kabel Deutschland. “Kabel Deutschland licenced the RDK because it is one of the most positive and promising developments in terms of standardization across device platforms. Not only will we benefit from global economies of scale, but it provides the basis necessary for innovation across our products and applications.”