Advanced Television

MPAA welcomes Honduras anti-piracy efforts

March 4, 2016

By Colin Mann

MPAA Chairman and CEO Senator Chris Dodd has welcomed the announcement by the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) of a new Intellectual Property Work Plan with the Government of Honduras. The work plan addresses key IP issues, including the retransmission of unauthorised satellite signals, often referred to as signal piracy. The work plan also promotes regulatory compliance by cable operators.

“We’d like to express our gratitude to Ambassador Froman and the USTR team for undertaking this important dialogue aimed at protecting creative rights,” said Dodd. “We’re also grateful for the regional leadership of the Government of Honduras for their willingness to tackle the persistent and recurring problem of signal piracy. International frameworks that include strong IP provisions are a major priority for the American film and television industry because they promote jobs and economic growth. We hope this work plan can serve as a model for future cooperation throughout Latin America.”


Categories: Articles, Business, Content, Piracy, Policy, Regulation, Rights