GatesAir wins DSO project in Ethiopia
March 9, 2016
GatesAir (formerly Harris), a specialist in over-the-air content delivery solutions for broadcasters, has been awarded a contract to provide turnkey equipment and services associated with Ethiopia’s national digital TV network.
In support of the contract, GatesAir will design, supply, install, test and commission a DVB-T2 over-the-air network solution for 26 new transmission sites, and upgrade systems at 74 existing facilities. In addition, GatesAir will provide a financing solution through one of the world’s most prominent financial institutions, J.P Morgan, with support from Export Development Canada (EDC).
US Ambassador to Ethiopia Patricia Haslach, commented: “The selection of GatesAir will capitalise on American know-how in digitisation and television technology, in order to achieve Deputy Prime Minister Debretsion’s plan to fast-track digital television broadcasting in Ethiopia. Furthermore, the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will provide a training grant of $600,000 for capacity-building in Ethiopia, accentuating the positive impact of the Embassy’s new Foreign Commercial Service.”