In-Flight TV to “rocket”
March 18, 2016
By Chris Forrester
A report from Paris-based Euroconsult says that In-Flight connectivity and entertainment (IFE) will lead to “rocketing” increase in overall revenues and bandwidth demand from satellite operators.
Euroconsult says that Compound Annual Growth Rates of In-Flight revenues will expand some 23 per cent from an estimated $700 million last year to $5.4 billion by 2025.
The growth is expected to come from the greater number of airlines and aircraft now offering – or planning – In-Flight connectivity and entertainment.
Euroconsult says (in its Prospects for In-Flight Entertainment and Connectivity report) that the number of connected commercial aircraft is expected to grow from 5,300 in 2015 to 23,100 by 2025, and that some 62 per cent of the global fleet will be equipped for IFE.
Gogo, SITA, Global Eagle and Panasonic Avionics are amongst the industry leaders in the technology.