Analyst: Broadband’s share of video viewing to double
April 6, 2016
Findings from The Diffusion Group (TDG) suggest the coming shift from Legacy TV to Broadband Video sources over the next decade will see Broadband Video grow from 17 per cent of total viewing minutes in 2015 to 38 per cent by 2025, up 81 per cent, while Legacy TV will decline from 80 per cent of total viewing minutes to 53 per cent, down 34 per cent.
“Professionally-produced, TV-quality video is now accessible from a widening array of sources and services, in virtually any context, and on multiple devices,” notes Joel Espelien, TDG senior analyst and author of the report The Future of TV Viewing, 2016-2025. “Though operators and networks are now aware of these trends, few have any idea what they mean for the future of TV viewing – that is, the extent to and rate at which they will redefine the viewing mix in the next decade.”
Espelien notes that we are now squarely in the era of quantum media, a future TDG first described in 2006 and forecast would come to pass by 2015. And while its influence is now undeniable – simply look at the number of public data points for cross-platform viewing — there are few, if any, serious efforts to quantify how these trends will impact video viewing time over the next decade.