Global broadband reaches 750m
April 15, 2016
The most recent milestone for broadband came late in 2015 according to a report from Point Topic. As at the end of December 2015 there were 751.2 million fixed broadband lines globally.
“Broadband growth continues to be strong. Even as one technology starts to falter and tail off another starts to take off. The one constant is the demand for bandwidth and the primary driver is still video,” says Oliver Johnson, Chief Executive at Point Topic. “The need to deliver more video more quickly to more people was behind the development of the DSL and cable modems and services and that continues to be the case today. Most of the bandwidth we consume is video in both residential and increasingly business markets.”
“We know that bandwidth is in demand everywhere. Often the problem is how to get it there cost effectively. Satellite offers a real solution for millions and now that Ka band and high capacity solutions are blasting off the production line regularly the coverage, and the audience, is continuing to grow,” concluded Johnson.