Ericsson revamps leadership team
April 21, 2016
Ericsson has revealed a series of organisational and structural changes to strengthen strategy execution to drive growth and profitability. Following this announcement, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) will consist of the following members as of July 1st:
Hans Vestberg, President and CEO (since 2010)
Jan Frykhammar, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Group Function Finance & Common Functions. Frykhammar currently holds the position as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Group Function Finance (since 2009)
Arun Bansal, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Network Products. Bansal currently holds the position as Head of Business Unit Radio (since 2014) – new member of the ELT
Per Borgklint, Senior Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Business Unit Media. Borgklint currently holds the position as Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Support Solutions (since 2011)
Bina Chaurasia, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer and Head of Group Function Human Resources (since 2010)
Ulf Ewaldsson, Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Group Function Technology (since 2012)
Niklas Heuveldop, Senior Vice President, Chief Customer Officer and Head of Group Function Sales. Heuveldop currently holds the position as Head of Global Customer Unit AT&T – new member of the ELT
Chris Houghton, Head of Region North East Asia (since 2015) – new member of the ELT
Fredrik Jejdling, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Network Services. Jejdling currently holds the position as Head of Region sub-Saharan Africa (since 2013) – new member of the ELT
Anders Lindblad, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit IT & Cloud Products. Lindblad currently holds the position as Head of Business Unit Cloud & IP (since 2014) – new member of the ELT
Nina Macpherson, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Head of Group Function Legal Affairs (since 2011)
Helena Norrman, Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer and Head of Group Function Marketing and Communications (since 2014)
Jean-Philippe Poirault, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit IT & Cloud Services. Poirault currently holds the position as Head of Consulting and Systems Integration – new member of the ELT
Rima Qureshi, Senior Vice President, Head of Region North America and Chief Strategy Officer. Qureshi currently holds the position as Senior Vice President, Head of Group Function Strategy and Head of M&A (since 2014)
Charlotta Sund, Senior Vice President and Head of Customer Group Industry & Society. Sund currently holds the position as Head of Region Northern Europe and Central Asia (since 2014) – new member of the ELT
Elaine Weidman-Grunewald, Head of Group Function Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility – new member of the ELT
In addition to the ELT members Ericsson today also announces the following appointments effective July 1, 2016:
Peter Laurin, Head of Region Northern Europe and Central Asia. Laurin currently holds the position as Head of Global Customer Unit Vodafone
Jean-Claude Geha, Head of Region sub-Saharan Africa. Geha currently holds the position as Head of Business Line Managed Services
Gustav Brismark, Chief Intellectual Property Officer and Head of IPR & Licensing. Brismark currently holds the position as Vice President, Patent Strategy and Portfolio
Hans Vestberg, President and CEO of Ericsson says: “As we move into a new phase of the company development I want to give a special recognition and thanks to the leaving ELT members. They have been instrumental in building our market leadership and setting us on our current path of change.”
The following individuals will leave the Executive Leadership Team effective July 1, 2016:
Magnus Mandersson, Executive Vice President (since 2011) and Head of Segment and Business Unit Global Services (since 2010). As of July 1, 2016, Mandersson will hold the position as Head of Segment Global Services, Executive Vice President and Advisor to the CEO.
Jan Wäreby, Senior Vice President and Head of Group Function Sales (since 2014). Wäreby will retire from Ericsson as of November 30, 2016.
Anders Thulin, Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer and Head of Group Function Business Excellence and Common Functions (since 2013). Thulin will leave the company as of July 1, 2016, to pursue opportunities outside the company.
Angel Ruiz, Head of Region North America (since 2010). Ruiz will continue with the company as Chairperson of regions North and Latin America.
Mats H. Olsson, Senior Vice President and Head of Ericsson Asia-Pacific (since 2013). Olsson will leave Ericsson as of July 1, 2016.