Euro movies 31% of all TV films in Europe
October 18, 2016
Colin Mann @ MIPCOM
According to the findings of a report – Films on television: Origin, age and circulation – released by the European Audiovisual Observatory, films produced in Europe accounted for 31 per cent of films broadcast by the TV channels of the sample during the 2014-2015 season. This share is slightly lower when considering only prime-time hours (26 per cent). The 31 per cent share of EU films breaks down into 16 per cent of national films and 15 per cent of European non-national films, indicating a significant level of circulation of films as regards broadcasting on TV. The share of EU films increased for the 2014-2015 season when compared with 2011-2012, both for all day broadcasts (31 per cent vs. 28 per cent) and prime-time broadcasts (26 per cent vs.23).
The 125 TV channels of the sample broadcast 101,849 films (including repeats) during the 2014-2015 season, which amounts to more than 2.7 films broadcast per day. Excluding repeats by the same TV channels, the 101,849 broadcasts of the sample correspond to 33 652 films, indicating that a film is broadcast on average three times by the same TV channel. The number of broadcasts varies significantly between free TV channels (1.4 broadcast per film on average) and pay-TV channels (6.5 broadcasts per film on average). The number of broadcasts (including repeats) has increased when compared to the 2011-2012 season (+12.4 per cent). But, excluding the repeats, the number of different films broadcast has actually decreased (-1.6 per cent), indicating that the number of broadcasts per film has increased over the period (2.6 broadcast per film during the 2011-2012 season vs. 3 during the 2014-2015 season).
According to the Observatory, 33 652 different films were broadcast in the 17 countries of the sample during the 2014-2015 season. However, the same film may have been broadcast in different countries. The list of single films broadcast in our sample comprises 16,321 titles, indicating that, in average, a film has been broadcast the same year in two countries. However, most of the films (67 per cent) were broadcast in only one country. Out of these 16,321 titles, 7,372 were produced in Europe (45 per cent), 7,546 in the US (46 per cent) and 1,403 in another region of the world (9 per cent). Out of the 7,372 European films, the top five countries of production (France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain and Czech Republic) accounted for 74 per cent, and the top 10 for 91 per cent.
This analysis is based on a set of data provided by Mediamétrie Eurodata TV. Mediamétrie tracked all film broadcasts for a sample of 125 TV channels from 17 European Union countries for two seasons: 2011-2012 and 2014-2015.