The Broadcasting & Satellite Network relaunches
November 16, 2016
The Broadcasting & Satellite Network, a UK-based satellite and broadcasting professionals networking group, is entering its second decade of existence, and to mark this landmark is relaunching itself with a new logo, website and identity. As a wholly independent group of like-minded professionals it looks to share and spread knowledge about the UK satellite and broadcasting industry.
As part of its ‘rebirth’, Martin Coleman, Executive Director of the Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG) has been appointed to its Board to aid its new invigorated purpose to provide a platform for UK industry professionals to share knowledge, experience, and encourage new young talent into the industry. Martin has worked in the broadcast and satellite industries for more than forty years and has been instrumental in improving process control for a variety of broadcasters and satellite operators through his own company, Colem. He was also a key figure in establishing the ground rules for adding Carrier ID to digital video carriers, prior to taking the position of Executive Director of IRG in 2011.
Jonathan Higgins, Chair of BSN-UK, comments: “We’re absolutely delighted to welcome Martin aboard our team of volunteer industry stalwarts, who are dedicated to engaging the UK satellite and broadcasting industry in a program of events to discuss and inform the industry of developments”