Tivùsat to end 2016 with 3m active smart cards
November 22, 2016
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Italian DTH platform Tivùsat is set to end the year with 3 million active smart-cards, according to CEO Luca Balestrieri.
Over the past four years, Tivùsat has tripled its user base. After surpassing the threshold of 1 million active smart cards in 2011, the platform continued the growth trend, reaching 2 million in November 2013, 2.3 million at end-2014 and 2.6 million at end-2015.
Set-up in 2009 by Italy’s main broadcasters (RAI, Mediaset, Telecom Italia Media), Tivùsat does not require a subscription fee, the only pre-requisite is a Tivùsat smart-card and compatible digital box.
The platform currently offers access to 75 TV channels, of which 15 are transmitted in HD and three in Ultra HD (Rai 4K, Hot Bird 4K1 and 4K2). The latest arrival was Euronews English HD, which was added last week.
The number of HD channels will soon increase to 19 with the arrival of HD versions of other RAI channels.
In addition, Tivùsat provides access to 32 radio stations and the on-demand service TivùOn.