Ofcom consults on BBC regulation procedures
January 23, 2017
UK communications regulator Ofcom has published several procedural consultations as part of its preparations for regulating the BBC.
Ofcom is also taking the opportunity to seek stakeholder views on proposed changes to its current procedures for handling content standards and broadcast licensing investigations and sanctions.
Procedures for enforcement of BBC Competition requirements
This consultation covers the proposed procedures that Ofcom will follow when enforcing compliance by the BBC with requirements for fair and effective competition.
Procedures for handling BBC content standards investigations and sanctions
This consultation covers proposed procedures for investigating potential breaches of the Broadcasting Code by the BBC. It also sets out how Ofcom would go about considering sanctions against the BBC for such breaches.
Procedures for enforcement of requirements in the BBC Agreement and compliance with Ofcom enforcement action
This consultation covers Ofcom’s proposed procedures for investigating breaches by the BBC of any other requirements set out in the Agreement which are not covered by the two consultations above. It also sets out steps for dealing with any failure by the BBC to comply with a direction made by Ofcom.
Review of procedures for handling content standards and broadcast licensing investigations and sanctions
This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to Ofcom’s procedures that apply to all other licensed broadcasters and notified on-demand programme service providers. These proposed changes will bring these procedures in line with those for the BBC.
These consultations follow a document published on 8 December 2016, describing Ofcom’s preparations for how it will regulate the BBC over the course of the new Charter from the effective date of 3 April 2017, and a series of consultations published on 15 December 2016.
The fresh consultations all close on 6 March 2017.