Sky posts Genuine Site FAQs
February 6, 2017
By Colin Mann
In common with other major UK ISPs, Sky is supporting the government-backed Get It Right from a Genuine Site initiative which aims to support Britain’s creative industry by informing people about legal sources of content, with the aim of reducing the illegal sharing of copyrighted material.
It advises users that if they have any questions about the Get It Right from a Genuine Site campaign or email alerts regarding copyrighted material, to refer to a range of most frequently asked questions.
“You’ve been sent an email alert because we’ve been informed by owners of copyrighted material that specific content has been shared without the owners’ permission and we need you to prevent this happening again,” it tells recipients of such alerts. “We want to point you in the right direction and help you access more details about the copyrighted material and how to prevent the illegal sharing of content in the future.”
Sky says it has invested billions of pounds in high-quality entertainment for its customers because it knows how much its customers value it. “It’s therefore important that companies like ours do what they can, alongside the Government and the rest of the media and technology industries, to help protect their copyright. Such protection makes sure that consumers continue to benefit from TV programmes, movies and music both now and in the future. This means taking effective action against online piracy and copyright infringement,” says the broadcaster.
“Increasingly content owners are turning to the courts to present evidence of copyright infringement by websites that offer content illegally to users. When they do so, and the court agrees that copyright infringement has occurred, the content owners can seek a court order which compels the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to those sites over their broadband networks,” it advises.
To date, Sky has received High Court Orders to block a number of websites which infringe copyright or trademarks. “You can get further details, including dates, identities of parties bringing legal action and a list of sites affected in our article Websites we’ve blocked under order of the High Court. You’ll also find limited information about what to do if you’d like to apply to challenge the orders listed,” it adds.