Irdeto protects Stofa’s Android STB
April 6, 2017
Danish triple-play service provider Stofa has selected digital platform security specialist Irdeto’s Irdeto Cloaked CA to securely deliver content through its upcoming new Android set-top box (STB). With Irdeto’s latest renewable and cardless software security, any form of content delivered to customers will be robustly protected. This will enable Stofa to focus on providing an even more compelling television experience for their subscribers in the Danish market.
Stofa intends to “revolutionise” the user experience with its new Android STB, which is developed in coordination with technology specialists Google and Kaon Media. Not only will subscribers have the full range of Stofa services on the STB, they will also have direct access to the Google Play app store and to streaming services such as YouTube. All Android STBs will be fully Google certified, and Irdeto Cloaked CA integrates seamlessly into these specifications and meets all regulation requirements.
This deployment is an extension of a long-standing relationship between Stofa and Irdeto. In 2006, Irdeto was selected as the TV supplier’s preferred CA provider, securing DVB-C digital cable service to approximately 400,000 homes across Denmark. Irdeto Cloaked CA continues to successfully provide content protection for the existing cable network.
“Our new Android TV box will transform the consumer experience and we are pleased to have Irdeto partnering with us on the security for this service,” said CEO Ole Fruekilde Madsen at Stofa. “By implementing Irdeto Cloaked CA, our security needs are fully met and we can concentrate on meeting our customers’ growing requirements for more choice and convenience. Irdeto has been a valued technology partner for a number of years, and are again providing an agile solution which can adapt alongside our ambition to change the Danish TV experience.”
“As next-generation platforms like Android STBs grow in popularity, it is critical that operators employ a security solution that is flexible and is able to rapidly respond to any regulatory requirements,” said Doug Lowther, CEO, Irdeto. “Our holistic, 360-degree security approach ensures that Stofa’s solution is fully compliant as they look to expand their customer base with the roll out of this new service across Denmark.”