DT screening Thirty Seconds to Mars concert in 360°
August 17, 2017
Deutsche Telekom is to present Thirty Seconds to Mars – the band comprised of Oscar winning actor and musician Jared Leto, Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic – live to a global audience in a 360° concert experience on September 2nd. The band will perform an exclusive show during the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) at the Telekom Street Gigs at Berlin Postbahnhof.
Fans around the globe can experience the concert on the MagentaMusik 360 website via a free 360° and HD live stream, as well as live on the Deutsche Telekom Facebook and Twitter platforms. For fans in Germany, the performance will be aired via the associated app and on EntertainTV on Channel 131.
“This will be a very special performance and we hope those that can’t be there in person, will celebrate with us on stage in the 360° live stream,” says the band.
“Thanks to the best network and MagentaMusik 360, we offer fans that won’t be able to experience the performance of Thirty Seconds to Mars live in Berlin, a great digital concert experience – in the midst of the first row or even directly next to the Leto brothers on stage. This innovative service accurately upholds our brand promise, ‘Erleben, was verbindet (‘Experience what connects’),” adds Michael Schuld, Head of Communications and Sales for Telekom Deutschland.
MagentaMusik 360 had its premiere at Rock am Ring festival earlier in 2017.