Qualcomm joins LTE-Broadcast Alliance
September 27, 2017
The LTE-Broadcast (LTE-B) Alliance has announced that Qualcomm Technologies, a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, has become the newest member of the Alliance.
The LTE-B Alliance was founded in 2016 by some of the world’s leading mobile network operators to further the evolution and deployment of LTE-B technology. Since the inception of the Alliance a broad range of members from across the network operator, broadcast and technology industries have signed up to join.
Qualcomm Technologies’ membership adds to the rich diversity of membership which also includes players such as Broadcast Sim, Enensys and Modern Cinema Group.
Mike Wright, Telstra’s Group Managing Director of Networks, explained, “The addition of Qualcomm Technologies and other partners is important for the advancement of the LTE-B ecosystem and the broad range of use cases it can be utilised for. The wireless industry has always worked together to provide scale and better solutions for customers and LTE-B is no different. Network operators cannot make technology decisions in isolation. For a new technology to become mainstream it needs support from across the entire industry, including device manufacturers, infrastructure providers, software and application developers, content providers and users.”