Abu Dhabi gets tough on satellite dish owners
March 29, 2018
By Chris Forrester
Abu Dhabi wants to enforce its ban on “illegal” satellite dishes from rooftops and owner’s balconies in the capital city.
Warnings are being given to violators, who are told to remove the dish and instead install a ‘legal’ rooftop – and generally invisible from street-level – communal dish system.
The problem is compounded because many of the dishes are rusty and inoperable. The Abu Dhabi city authorities already have a law in place (Law 2/2012) which requires owners to maintain the “aesthetics” of the city’s appearance.
The law forbids more than 4 dishes per rooftop, whether a single dwelling or apartment block. Dishes are totally forbidden from balconies, or from being mounted on garden walls. Nor can cables be loosely strung across buildings or facades.