Advanced Television

Sixty and Avid collaborate

April 5, 2018

Sixty, the interactive TV company, today announced that they are collaborating with Avid® to integrate Sixty’s interactive TV solution, Ease Live, with Avid’s Maestro™ | Live all-in-one real-time production solution.

Sixty’s Ease Live solution will enable Avid Maestro | Live to unify the linear and online TV experience for broadcasters, providing a consistent brand and design while enabling on-air graphics to come to life by making them responsive and ‘viewer clickable’ across all devices.

“The collaboration between Avid and Sixty anticipates the need for broadcasters, content owners and distributors to engage with future audiences by unifying all relevant data and video into one seamless user experience,” says Ed Caracappa, Sr. Director Global Alliances, Avid.

“This is particularly important at a time when there are increasing pressures on broadcasters to create new opportunities to engage their viewers and grow their ratings. The rich, yet highly user friendly, Ease Live solution will enable Avid Maestro | Live to provide our customers with the power to deliver unique, immersive and highly interactive experiences for their viewers.”

Maestro | Live makes real-time production easy with an all-in-one solution. It does this by producing and controlling action-based, data-driven UHD graphics and video playout from a single interface. The integration of Ease Live from Sixty will provide Maestro | Live with a pre-integrated solution that enhances sports broadcast through providing the best consumer interactive experience.

“Our mission at Sixty is to change how you watch TV by making the TV content itself interactive on touch devices,” said Kjetil Horneland, CEO, Sixty. “So, I’m naturally delighted to work with Avid to enable many more broadcasters to put the TV experience in their subscribers’ hands by making on-air graphics ‘viewer-clickable’.”


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