India’s Dish/d2h to launch OTT service
May 4, 2018
By Chris Forrester
Two Indian DTH broadcasting giants, Dish TV and Videocon, d2h wrapped their merger on March 22nd. Now, barely 5 weeks later, they have announced a joint initiative to launch an OTT service which will allow subscribers to access TV content while on the move, onto handhelds and portable devices.
Videocon d2h already has a mobile TV application providing access to more than 80 of its channels (and more than 1000 movies).
Local reports say that Dish TV is working to get its content ready for OTT distribution, and to speedily merge to two services with more content and more engagement. However, the two brands might stay separate as far as OTT is concerned given that Videocon is strong in South India while Dish has strengths in East India.