UPC Switzerland acquiring Höfe cable network
May 29, 2018
EW Höfe AG has sold its cable network in Höfe to its long-standing partner, UPC Switzerland, and will fully focus on expanding its own fibre optic network in the future.
The cable network currently serves around 15,000 homes in the region of Höfe on the upper shores of Lake Zurich.
“For over 30 years, we have been working together successfully with UPC as a provider for communication and entertainment, Now, we are handing over our cable network to our long-standing partner, so that we can guarantee continuity for the customers of our cable network. At the same time, we are focusing fully on expanding the new fibre optic network and our own etzelnet offers, such as symmetrical Internet, TV and telephone,” said Arne Kähler, Chairman of the Executive Board of EW Höfe AG.
“We are delighted that are able to secure our presence as an infrastructure partner in the long term through the purchase of the cable network in the region of Höfe. Our customers will now receive all products, such as Internet, TV, telephone and the cable connection from a single provider and will benefit even more from UPC’s first-rate offers for telecommunications,” said Christophe Millet, Vice President Partner Networks at UPC Switzerland.