Sony merges Pictures/TV divisions
June 22, 2018
By Chris Forrester
Sony Pictures TV is merging its international TV operations, and in the process bringing together various international TV operations, channels, home entertainment and sales activity.
There will be job losses, although according to reports a number of Sony senior executives have already departed.
The aim is to bring together the various, and often quite disparate, divisions, and to “create a stronger and more agile organisation, one that is better able to pivot and capitalise on opportunities in a fast-changing and increasingly complex global marketplace,” Sony Pictures TV chairman Mike Hopkins wrote in a note to staffers.
“Broadly speaking, the new territory management model brings together, under a single local leader, businesses that have been historically separate,” Hopkins wrote in his note. “With this approach, we gain a more efficient structure giving regional leaders, along with their direct reports in each country, the ability to make smart, strategic business decisions, while keeping local consumers at the core of what we do.”