ACT welcomes TF1 & Jeunesse Télévision
July 2, 2018
The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) has welcomed TF1 and Jeunesse Télévision (part of the Lagardère Group) as new members. Bringing the number of ACT Members to a total of 28. The Association continues to grow as commercial broadcasters across Europe seek a united voice for their common views on a range of policy issues that impact investment in European original content as well as jobs and growth for the audiovisual industry.
Commenting on the new membership, Grégoire POLAD, ACT Director General, stated: “We are delighted to welcome back TF1, a founding member of the ACT, amongst the ACT family. We are also very pleased that Jeunesse Télévision, part of the Lagardère Group, has chosen to join its name to commercial broadcasters’ voice in Brussels. A wide and unified voice is essential to demonstrate the importance of commercial broadcasting for investing, promoting and distributing Europe’s creative and cultural works; particularly at this critical time when key legislation for our sector is being shaped and revised.”
Jean-Michel COUNILLON, General Counsel, TF1 Group at this occasion, said: “As a leader of television in Europe, TF1 Group is proud and delighted to join the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) and its experts team to reinforce the voice of commercial TV broadcasters in Brussels. Many current and future major challenges, especially on the digital market, require more than ever a strong unity to preserve cultural works quality and diversity, equity between different kind of players in the same playing field and more generally to promote European values”.
Caroline COCHAUX, Managing Director, Lagardère Active TV France & International & CEO of Gulli, stated: “Key player on youth and favorite channel of families in this thematic, we are delighted that Gulli joins the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT). Our expertise on play-based educational and comedy contents for the youngest, animated by values of sharing, diversity and tolerance, allows Gulli to shine beyond France: Gulli AFRICA since 2015 and, since 2017, Gulli Bil Arabia, broadcasting in Arabic in 18 countries in North Africa and in the Middle East. Today, Gulli is in over 60 countries! We are very proud that Gulli is joining the prestigious members of ACT and is actively participating in the European dynamic of commercial television actors.”