European films 20% of SVoD libraries
August 31, 2018
The European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, has released a report which giving an overview of the composition of VoD catalogues in the EU.
In total, 74 TVoD and SVoD catalogues are covered by the annual report, with a focus on pan-European and multi-country services for TVoD catalogues. Key findings from the report include:
- On the pay per view market (TVoD), the average iTunes catalogue includes around 24 per cent of EU films of which 4 per cent only are purely national productions. By comparison, the share of EU films on average in Microsoft is 17 per cent, of which 35 per cent are national;
- On average, EU movies have a share of 20 per cent of the SVoD libraries. Out of all EU movies, national movies represent only 15 per cent vs 85 per cent for EU non-national films. But the structure of each catalogue differs considerably.
- As regards the share of EU works: 15 per cent for Sky Now and 17 per cent for Netflix but 53 per cent for C More, 48 per cent for Channel Play or 84 per cent for Flimmit
- As regards the weight of national films out of the total number of EU films: 12 per cent on average for Netflix, 30 per cent for C More, 67 per cent for Canal Play or 49 per cent for Flimmit.