Euskaltel, Másmóvil joint 5G pilot network
January 4, 2019
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Spain’s fourth largest telco Másmóvil and the Basque-country based Euskaltel have joined forces to implement a 5G pilot network, open to third parties.
The 5G network will be set up over the next 30 months with a total investment of €12 million.
Technology company Ericsson will provide the equipment in the pilot with participation of other companies including Tecnun, Ceit IK4, Datik, Vicomtech, Atrebo, la Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián, the Basque Administration, the city of San Sebastián and Tecnalia, among others.
Tests on mass media distribution and mobile entertainment as well as industrial and other applications, will be carried out over the 30 month period.