Advanced Television

More time & money urged for Spain DTT migration

June 27, 2019

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Spain’s DTT industry and operators have urged the Administration for a clear implementation timetable of the second DTT migration, and more money to compensate the cost of simulcasting two signals for 12 months.

Trade body Televisión Abierta, which represents all the main DTT players, has urged the Spanish government to set “a reasonable period of time in simulcasting and the launch of a communication plan” for the migration.

The DTT migration must be completed before June 2020, allowing one year from now to carry out the process. TV operators have asked for compensation of up to €40 million to finance the simulcasting costs. The Administration has already approved a €150 million subsidy to adjust the antennas in around 850,000 buildings.

Televisión Abierta has also asked for a more cooperation between all involved players to carry out the DTT migration on time.

Categories: Articles, DTT/DSO