Advanced Television

Movistar Fusión on 5G pilot in Spain

September 11, 2019

From David Del Valle in Madrid

Movistar is launching its convergent package Movistar Fusión on 5G for the first time in Galicia, north of Spain, targeting rural areas with no DSL and optic fibre networks.

Under the name of Fusión Radio 5G, Movistar is implementing a pilot project, backed by the Ministry of Economy, to take all its convergent services, including TV, to isolated areas in this region.

The pilot will take place in Galicia for 24 months with a cost of €11 million. Along with Movistar, other companies will take part in the pilot such as Ericsson, Nokia, Cinfo, Idronia, Telnet Redes Inteligentes, among others.

Categories: 5G, Articles, Mobile