UK: Councils mustn’t prevent 5G
October 15, 2019
Matt Warman, the Minister for Digital & Broadband, is telling all UK planning authorities to not withhold 5G permissions without “legitimate grounds and evidence”.
Warman said the government plans to do more to clarify the 5G message around 5G and bust health myths. The move follows several local authorities halting installation of masts after citizens have campaigns against siting 5G equipment at various locations on the grounds of health.
“There is no compelling evidence for any increased concern about 5G roll-out compared to Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G and there are well-established limits for radio equipment within which any new kit must operate. These limits are acknowledged by Public Health England in the UK and the World Health Organisation,” said the DCMS.
5G health concerns have taken hold elsewhere too. In April, plans to pilot 5G in Brussels were blocked due to concerns over radiation levels. Geneva followed in May. Meanwhile, some towns and cities in the US have banned 5G antennas from residential areas under the weight of calls from citizens.