Advanced Television

Spain: FTTH nears 10m

October 22, 2019

From David Del Valle in Madrid

FTTH grew by 112,000 lines in Spain in August totalling 9.6 million, according to the CNMC.

In a year FTTH has experienced an increase of 1.8 million, with DSL losing 1.2 million by contrast. FTTH already represents 64 per cent of the total 15 million fixed broadband lines.

Movistar is the market leader with 4.2 million FTTH lines, 44 per cent of the total. Movistar also leads the fixed broadband market with a share of 39.88 per cent, followed by Orange with 26.22 per cent, Vodafone accounts for 20.91 per cent, MásMóvil has 7.59 per cent and others 4.4 per cent.

Categories: Articles, Broadband, FTTH, Research