SES: ‘Intelsat CBA reversal indefensible’
February 24, 2020
By Chris Forrester
The gloves are definitely off as far as SES is concerned with its former partner in the C-Band Alliance (CBA).
In a last-minute filing to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) SES states it is disappointed by Intelsat’s last-minute attempt to renounce its commitments made to other CBA members and the Commission over the course of this proceeding, ‘in aid of a transparent and baseless attempt to capture a greater share of the proposed accelerated relocation payments.’ “In light of all that has been achieved to date, this sudden reversal in direction by Intelsat is indefensible.”
SES states that based on independent third-party studies “[the] undisputed facts conclusively show that Intelsat and SES deserve equal shares of any accelerated relocation payments”.
SES reminds the FCC of the structure and rationale behind the creation of the Alliance up to the issuing of the FCC’s draft proposals on February 7th. “Since then, and in breach of its contractual commitments, Intelsat now seeks to deny the role of the CBA going forward. It is ironic that, in the very filing in which it seeks to deny the ongoing relevance of the CBA, Intelsat relies on the CBA’s filings and plans as evidence of the timing and cost of clearing.”
SES says it rejects the assertion by Intelsat that ‘there will be no C-Band Alliance going forward’, saying it believes that there remains an important role for the CBA, and that the CBA’s collaborative clearing plan is the most efficient path to clear the spectrum. “Intelsat has no right to unilaterally disband the CBA, and SES will hold Intelsat responsible under its commitments. That said, SES is prepared to act on its own in the clearing process if necessary, while protecting its customers.”