Advanced Television

Astro keeping Malaysians entertained and informed

March 31, 2020

Astro has thanked all Malaysians for supporting its initiatives to keep the nation informed and entertained during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Its complimentary viewing for Astro and NJOI customers, as well as complimentary Astro GO access for all Malaysians, which has now extended until April 14th, have received positive response.

Astro’s TV viewership increased by 43% while daily time spent rose 30% since the start of MCO. With complimentary viewing of all movie channels for all Astro customers, TV viewership for English movies and entertainment jumped over 200%.

All news channels are also made available for all Astro customers and they registered a 71% rise in TV viewership. Astro’s news teams from Awani, Radio and Digital teams are doing their part to keep Malaysians informed, as well as debunking fake news. In the first 5 days of MCO, 5.5 million Malaysians watched Astro Awani while its website and app registered a 15% and 13% increase in unique visitors respectively.

Astro GO was well received by all Malaysians with over 78k new registrations. Kids shows also dominated viewership on Astro GO during this period.

Categories: Press Releases