Advanced Television

StarHub extends free preview

April 8, 2020

At the start of COVID-19 circuit breaker measures, StarHub has announced the extension of its free preview period till 4 May 2020, 12pm, to provide customers with more entertainment options while they stay safe at home. The extension comes with 27 world-class channels spanning across content genres, with 17 new channels added to the line-up for all customers to enjoy.

“We want to do our best to make the stay-home experience more enjoyable for our customers. We are extending our free preview and included more channels to make entertainment even more accessible,” said Johan Buse, Chief of Consumer Business Group, StarHub. We hope these programmes bring about moments of pleasure or relief to our customers, to support them during this circuit-breaker period. We are all in this together, let’s stay strong, fight on and together we can overcome.”

Categories: Press Releases