Brazil: Telecine deploys MediaMelon platform
April 22, 2020
MediaMelon, a specialist in content-aware streaming, has announced Brazil’s Telecine SVoD cinema hub has deployed its SmartPlay OTT streaming optimization platform to deliver a better video Quality of Experience (QoE) with lower content delivery costs despite an unprecedented surge in new subscribers and viewing hours.
“SmartPlay has allowed us to mitigate last-mile bandwidth and infrastructure limitations to deliver better QoE to new and existing subscribers, manage our costs and improve margins even under these extreme conditions,” said Fabio Lima, Product Manager with Telecine. “We understand that a good, uninterrupted video experience helps convert trials to paid subscriptions as a result of the elevated quality and value of the service.”
“SmartPlay is a simple, cloud-based solution that allows streaming service providers to improve the viewing experience and lower bandwidth consumption and cost with no change to existing infrastructure. Unlike other analytics that just measure and alert, SmartPlay actually solves the problem,” added MediaMelon CEO Kumar Subramanian. “We’re extremely pleased to be on board with Telecine to help optimise viewer experience and business operations during this critical time.”