Italy: 43% growth in FTTH connections
April 28, 2020
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Fibre technology now accounts for nearly half of fixed access connections in Italy, according to the latest edition of the Communications Observatory of Italy’s telecommunications sector regulator (AgCom).
At the end of December 2019, there were 7.76 million FTTC accesses or 39.7 per cent of the total (+21.7 per cent year-on-year), while FTTH lines totaled 1.22 million or 6.2 per cent of the total (+43.3 per cent).
However, copper remains the dominant technology, with 9.22 million accesses or 47.2 per cent of the total, but the figure is down 21.6 per cent compared to a year ago.
The remaining 1.32 million lines used FWA technology (+7.3 per cent).
TIM continues to dominate the broadband and ultra-broadband market with a 43.5 per cent market share, although it registered an annual drop of 0.3 per cent. The other major players are Vodafone (16.4 per cent), Fastweb (15.1 per cent) and Wind Tre (13.8 per cent).
Out of a total of 17.47 million broadband and ultra-broadband lines, 7.06 million had speeds of over 100 Mbps (40.4 per cent of the total), up 38.8 per cent on December 2018.